Sanders Reserve in Paremoremo, Albany is about to have a sculptural addition that will compliment the increasingly popular ‘Faraway Tree.’ A favourite for children and adults alike, what is it that makes this tree different? Why is it called the Faraway Tree, and what sort of sculpture would enhance it?
If you venture down the track by the sea at Sanders Reserve, you will discover a tree with a difference. This has fondly become known as the ‘Faraway Tree’. It’s a beautifully carved tree trunk with many figures and animals depicting the history of the area. It was carved by Phil Bonham, an Auckland sculptor and artist using mainly chainsaws. The tree is named after Enid Blyton’s story on the Magic Faraway Tree.

The Faraway Tree
Adding to this amazing work of art, Auckland Council has commissioned Phil to carve a seat from the trunk of another tree situated among the same original stand of macrocarpa trees at Sanders Reserve as the Faraway Tree .
In 2015 the tree was felled and the massive trunk was brought to our yard at Paremoremo in two halves. Phil has since been creating his magic with his Stihl chainsaws to create a seat that will be sited in the same area as the Faraway Tree. Not only will it be a seat but a magical structure for children to climb over, crawl through and to play wonderful make believe games on.

The outer layer of bark was peeled off
The first step in creating the seat was to strip the outside layer of bark off which revealed a lovely smooth surface underneath. Out of the woodwork, a number of different forms and figures could be imagined.

A ‘work in progress’ scenario, the transformation cannot be planned
With an artist’s eye and an open mind, this log of wood has undergone massive transformation in a way that cannot ever be planned. It is a ‘work in progress’ scenario where the shape and design has evolved as it presents itself to Phil.

Phil at work with his chainsaw
There have been many hours of work for Phil stripping, cutting and chiseling out the wood to create this carefully crafted seat. Throughout the process, our Tatonka crane truck has been useful in helping Phil turn the carving to work on different sides of the trunk.

Preparing for Tatonka truck to move the structure.

Phil and Dave testing out the unfinished seat.
Almost finished, and now securely under wraps, who knows what wonderful features the new sculptural addition to Sanders Reserve will have. This massive sculptured seat is soon to be moved by Tatonka to its final resting place not far from the Faraway Tree, at Sanders Reserve where children will play and adults will marvel.
A video on the making of the Faraway Tree can be viewed here.